• FWB International missions

    The Pascaru are missionaries in the village of Baurci, Moldova. Where they are planting a soul-winning church. Presently, there is no Baptist church anywhere near Baurci. Baurci is a small village, with most of the villagers of Gagauz ethnicity (a group that migrated from Turkey hundreds of years ago). They are open to the gospel and have welcomed the children’s ministry Golgotha Baptist Church (Chisinau) started there about a year ago. We are excited about what God has in store for the ministry in Baurci.

  • converge international ministries

    Peace Church partners with the Rogers family to plant self-sustaining Indigenous churches throughout Latin America and the U.S. In 2013, Doug, Jana, and their three children (Josh, Jocelyn, and Benjamin) started Indigenous Church Planting to equip national pastors throughout Latin America to plant churches. Since the start of ICP, the Rogers family has seen dozens of churches planted, multiple training centers opened, and thousands of people give their hearts to Christ.

  • international mission board

    The Patels left the shores of America in obedience of the Lord's great Commission in October of 1994 for the country of India. God, in His perfect wisdom, had in many ways been preparing their hearts for the work in India. God led them to a city in northern India, called Agra, to establish a New Testament church - one that would honor and uplift the precious name of Jesus.

  • english language institute

    Jeff is from Goldsboro, NC where he worked in the bus ministry for several years. While learning Spanish at his job and going on mission trips with Faith Church he begin to have a burden for the Spanish community. After a mission trip in Panama he felt God was leading him to work with our Bible Institute in David. Jeff desires to teach in the Bible Institute and plans to start a new work in Panama.

  • final command ministries

    After graduating from Pensacola Christian College with a BSN, Don went to South America as an associate missionary. Don and Cara are going to a region where there are many unreached people. They will be working with a local church and plan to be involved in tribal church planting. Please pray for Don and Cara that God will use them to encourage the local pastors and churches in areas that are isolated from the rest of the world. 

  • ethnos 360

    The Corlatas are missionaries in Carpineni, Moldova. Nick serves as associate pastor of Bethany Baptist Church. He also heads up the Bread of Life Ministry reaching out to the homeless and hungry of the city and giving them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Nick and Candy have two children, Kaleb, and Kasey.

  • emu international

    James works with the Movement for African National Initiatives. MANI is a network focused on mobilizing the resources of the Body of Christ in Africa for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. MANI's purpose is to network Christian leaders by inspiring them with the vision of reaching the unreached in Africa.

  • indigenous church planting

    The Awtreys are pioneering a Baptist Church Planting Movement in Bulgaria. The first phase of the work includes establishing a church in Svishtov to serve as a model for future church plants throughout the country.