• Our worship services have a relaxed atmosphere with uplifting worship and practical challenges from God's Word. Our music is blended with praise and worship.

  • Our worship services last about an hour. We offer two services each Sunday morning: 9:30am & 11:00am.

  • Yes. Once a month one of our pastors conducts a membership orientation class to explain our background, purpose, doctrine and philosophy of ministry. We call this the Discovery Class and it is open to all who want to become a member or just learn more about Peace Church. If you would like to attend this class, please click here to register. 

  • Peace Church is an independent church, but voluntarily associates with two denominations: The State Baptist Convention of North Carolina and The National Association of Free Will Baptists. Peace Church also works with other Evangelical churches in Wilson to help share the Gospel of Christ.

  • At Peace Church our members dress in all types of fashions. Some wear suits while others wear sport shirts. We even have some who wear jeans and t-shirts. The best way to describe how our people dress can be summed up in two words: comfortable and modest. No matter your attire, you will not feel out of will feel welcomed.

  • Yes. All of our staff and volunteers who work with children have been screened. All workers have to be a part of Peace Church for at least 6 months and complete a “Child Protection Workshop” to be eligible to work with our children or teens. Reference checks are made, as well as criminal background checks, on all our workers, paid and volunteer.

  • Yes. We have set up a security process for all our services with personel posted to help reduce the risk of violence. We have security measures in place to make our services more secure for those who have come to worship. We also provide medical assistance for those attending our services.

  • Yes. Peace church offers a special-needs ministry to adults called the Exceptionals Class.